Life Care



Q: I have a primary care doctor. Why do I need Life Care?

A: Life Care specializes in home-based care models. We work in collaboration with your doctor or primary care physician (PCP), so the addition of any home care needs you may have is smooth and seamless.

Life Care is not primary care, but it does enhance the care you’re already receiving.

Q: I’m worried that the medical information that Life Care collects from me will not reach my doctor. Will information be shared with my doctor’s office?

A: Yes. Absolutely. Life Care advocates for a collaborative approach to medicine. Any information Life Care’s nurses or remote patient monitoring equipment collects will be shared with your doctor almost immediately. Life Care’s services only work if everyone involved in your care plan is on the same page.

Q: I’m not great with technology. How will Life Care work for me?

A: Life Care is geared toward helping senior adults, and we know that technology does not always come easily for this population. That’s why Life Care sends staff with the necessary connected devices to facilitate your home care visits.

Life Care’s staff worries about technology, so you don’t have to.

Q: I’ve been satisfied with the care I’m receiving. Why is Life Care necessary now?

A: The world of healthcare is changing as doctors become busier and as technology continues to evolve. The reality is, most doctors need some extra help—and that’s where Life Care comes in.

As home-based healthcare becomes more necessary for an increasing number of patients, Life Care enhances the home healthcare experience by using qualified registered nurses to facilitate the best care plan and the technology necessary to make home care possible.

Life Care can easily adapt to a patients’ healthcare needs, so we can help your doctor make the best clinical decisions as quickly as possible.

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